We believe God is with you in any direction you take.

Transforming modern spiritual healthcare

We are a group of doctoral-level healers and licensed physicians who provide quality and truly one of a kind soul level care. As a spiritual collective, we assist members by providing ceremony circles with practices and philosophy rooted in Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicines (TAPM), combined with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These medicines together offer a wide variety of options for your healing needs such as uniquely tailored herbal supplements to intuitive massage, acupuncture, medication management, psychedelic and medicine integration coaching, and more. We help our clients connect with one of our doctors who can meet their needs and is available online or in-person.

A truly integral approach

Recent studies have shown that a persons health, happiness and longevity is directly correlated to their sense of connection and community. By healing together in our church, we strengthen our path to deepening our relationship to God and the joy of living and loving. It’s essential for us that our patients get personalized suggestions on who from our team is the best match to support this powerful and unique journey through life. This is the first step towards creating a healing plan that aligns you with your tribe of kindred spirits who will support you along the way. Rather than do things the typical way, we’ve created a system designed around our patients’ needs.

Our Services and Rates

Medicine Integrative Coaching

Discover how you can integrate from psychedelic services, whether it be pre-retreat or post; we are trained and experienced with tools and guidance to support you. This service primary supports you by giving feedback and suggestions for what supplements and Chinese Medicine can be taken to reduce pharmaceuticals. We work with your doctors to support your freedom from unnecessary medications or at a time when you are ready to take natural methods to heal.

We address other concerns especially regarding post plant dieta.

60 mins | $195 | Get started

Online or in-person, this treatment includes drumming, specifically tailored icaros and chanting, traditional curanderismo and healing services. Help with soul loss, extraction work and energy clearing is included. This style is a unique design customized by Dr. Tomasino, who developed the combination in 2012.
90 mins | $275 | Get started

60 mins I $180/hour I Get started

Shamanic Healing & Acupuncture

Shamanic Massage

Meet with our therapist to help you heal your body, mind and spirit. These sessions include an intake with intentions, massage and sound healing with singing bowls. Our therapist has dozens of 5 star reviews.  

75 mins | $150 | Get started

Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years to help with a number of conditions and diseases. Meet with our licensed acupuncturists to develop a plan, receive acupuncture and potentially herbal treatment to meet your needs. The first session is 90 mins.

60 mins | $155 | Get started

90 mins | $195 | Get started

Acupuncture session

Are you in need of loving support? We have your back, through thick and thin. Just reach out and we will take time to pray for you.

Free | Get started

Request a Prayer

We believe in sharing our wisdom with those who have a sincere desire to learn. Inquire within about this opportunity to study the way of the shaman.

Range of Options | Get started


Get started with Inner Compass Church, today.