Statement of Beliefs

  • We Recognize

    We recognize that our intuition gives us insight towards God, our inner compass and guidance system. We seek to live in harmony with ourselves, in spiritual balance by embracing compassion and higher levels of consciousness.

  • We Acknowledge

    We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the normal consciousness of a person. We acknowledge the infinite potential within all and it’s connection to our higher power, otherwise known as God.

  • We Conceive

    We conceive of the Creative Power of God in the universe as manifesting through the polarity of feminine (yin) and masculine (yang) and that this same Creative Power of God is equivocal to the Chinese understanding of the Tao. We value the Tao as a balance of these energies of yin and yang, which animates the entire universe.

  • We Honor

    We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy system, but do honor the authority of belief in the Creator God, respecting those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership and teaching.

  • We Accept

    We recognize and accept that our reality is made of many spiritual planes and energetic dimensions. We neither neglect nor promote one plane or dimension over another, seeing all as necessary for our fulfillment. All are fundamental steps to spiritual growth and development.

  • We Embrace

    We embrace traditional plant cosmologies, working with the intelligence of the plants and the wisdom of the sacrament. We practice working with ceremonial sacraments by using individual and combined traditions of the Shipibo way (plant medicine, master plants, etc.), with Chinese Medicine (herbal remedies, acupuncture, etc.), and Celtic Shamanic techniques (journey techniques and relationship philosophies).

  • We Believe

    We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life as a continuation of the evolution and development of consciousness, which gives meaning to the Universe we know and the understanding of ourselves within it.

  • We Care

    We are concerned with the past, present and future of individual consciousness. We care for all living beings in all worlds and wish all beings be happy, healthy and free.

  • We Believe

    We believe we are connected to the universe and to all things seen and unseen. We understand this to be the fabric of the Universal Tao, communicating to us through the voice of God and in the form of a plant ally, spirit guide and/or teacher.

  • We Strengthen

    We believe that all beings have the ability to access spiritual knowledge, through the process of connection with their higher power and inner compass. This connection is strengthened by spiritual practice through our work with the sacrament and all ways that the sacrament is integrated.

  • We Respect

    We believe the sacrament we consume is a living, conscious spirit that helps guide our path forward, helps us heal, nurtures our soul and supports our evolution as a whole. We believe the sacrament is worthy of our service to humbly protect as our primary guiding spirit in the realms of Ordinary and Non-Ordinary Reality.

  • We Are Reflections

    We believe we are reflections of God, living in physical form. We believe God to be a powerful loving presence of pure divine light and unconditional love, a presence so powerful we cannot put into words to fully and adequately describe.

  • We Understand

    We understand the meaning of life is to have an experience and that all experiences are accepted in the eyes of God.

  • We Return

    We believe that when we die, we transcend the egoic reality of our lives (identity, pain and suffering, attachments), and we accept our truth-that we are divine beings reflected in Gods light and return home to Gods kingdom.

  • We Serve

    We believe that through consuming our sacrament and being of service to the higher powers, that we will help the planet evolve spiritually and thus our personal work is the highest service we can do for humanity.

  • We Include

    We include all races, genders, ethnicities and sexual orientations as part of our family. We believe all are equal in the eyes of God.

  • We Know

    We believe and know that all beings deserve the right to seek forgiveness and freedom.

  • We Decolonize

    We acknowledge the importance of reciprocity, respect for indigenous culture and knowledge, and the importance placed on giving back to the communities that have taught our founders and shared knowledge with us. We ethically give back to the forest and people of S. America through donations, referrals and respectfully studying their practices. We allow the individual cosmologies and spiritual practices to be whole, allowing each to be as deeply integral to its own indigenous system as possible, without dilution or interference from the colonial ego.

We believe…in you.