Together, we advocate for your soul’s growth and healing.

Our team


Maestra Rev. Dr. Ashley Tomasino, DAOM, LAc

Maestra Dr. Ashley Tomasino is one of the only Shipibo-trained acupuncturists in the world, having completed over 2.5 years of isolation and dieta in the shipibo tradition, dieting over 10 master plants, sitting in over 700 ceremonies and obtaining over 11 years of study in the Shipibo way. She has survived and thrived after intense periods of integration back into life. She is one of the only practitioners in the world who have completed the arduous one-year dieta in the Shipibo way, to earn her ability to serve ayahuasca and complete her initiation studies within the lineage. She completed her one year isolation diet in 2018 under the tutilage of Maestro Ricardo Amaringo, a shipibo curandero and vegetalista working in Iquitos at Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual. It was at this center that she was able to incorporate her acupuncture and ayahuasca practice while undergoing her training. Since then she has studied under several other curanderos/as, such as Maestra Manuela Mahua, Jorge Lopez, Michael Sonn and shamanic acupuncturist, Richard Grossman. Her initial shamanic teachers in the Celtic and Colombian Spider Medicine arts were Mary Kay Ryan, also a shamanic acupuncturist and Lizette Rodriguez a Colombian Modern Medicine Woman from Medellin.

She is the author of several books, including Between Zen and Now, a Journey Through the Modern Shamanic Matrix, and The Journey. She is the founder and lead Maestra at the Inner Compass Church, the first and only TCM and TAPM (Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine) church in the world that combines the philosophy of acupuncture with the cosmology of Shipibo shamanism and Celtic-core shamanic practices.

Dr. Tomasino’s doctoral research from Emperor’s College of Traditional Chinese Medicine is on the study of Ayahuasca and Acupuncture for the treatment of Depression, a peer reviewed case study examining the neurophysiological affect that both ayahuasca and acupuncture have on the brain regarding regulating the default mode network (DMN), and it’s affect on emotional healing when both acupuncture and ayahuasca work together.

Dr. Tomasino has been teaching and working in the shamanic healing arts since 2009, and has been working as a pain management specialist in urgent care since 2016. She has taught and trained over 80 apprentices in her specialty of shamanic journey techniques and curanderismo through her school, The Advocates Institute for Shamanic Studies. She continues to teach, hold space for and help others heal from around the world.  


Dr. Jonathan Lenahan, DAOM, LAc “Star Hawk”

Dr. J Star Hawk is a second generation acupuncturist, practicing in San Diego, CA. Star Hawk is a Qi Gong teacher, who supports his students in their quest for deeper meaning and a healthier connection to the universe. Star Hawk is one of the founding practitioners who supported Dr. Tomasino in launching the ICC, and continues to offer his healing services to the members of the church. Dr. J Star Hawk’s shamanic and Chinese medicine practice complement the offerings from Dr. Tomasino and the other board members in a way that makes our church very unique.


Phoenix Lee

Phoenix is a psychic, holistic practitioner and spiritual advisor who has been practicing for nearly a decade. She specializes in holistic medicine treatments including herbal remedies, aroma therapy and sound healing. Her essential oil treatments are geared towards taking the patient on a journey to harmony and balance. She also uses several divination methods such as tarot, drumming and a unique combination of other shamanic modalities.

Phoenix has been studying shamanic techniques and practices through the Advocates Institute for Shamanic Studies since 2020 and is the TA in most of Dr. Tomasino’s courses.


Etoile “Ruby”

Etoile has been working with the ICC since 2021, offering guidance, feedback and support to the church’s founders and main facilitators. Etoile offers a unique massage that includes energy clearing, intuitive guidance, intention setting, sound healing and even some singing but most importantly a lot of love. Etoile has been said to truly ‘wow’ her clients and provide a space for even the most guarded to let her in their world. Her work is truly divine and a lovely compliment to the group.

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