How to know the God within 

Knowing the God Within.

There is a saying, that ‘what is within is without’ meaning that the light within you reflects outwardly and vice versa. But what is this light? According to our Maestra, Dr. Tomasino, the light within is God. To know this light, is the greatest journey we could embark upon. This light is what heals us, supporting our development as souls.

There are many spirits to connect to, and that through connecting to external spirits, we develop a sense of ourselves in relation to it. But who we are in the presence of the divine, is who we truly are. The divine essence of the light within is the light we are all seeking to know more deeply and to share with others. In any form, name or structure, this light is what the universe is ultimately made of. By knowing the light as ourselves in the highest form, we lift our consciousness to that of the Eagle or Condor, to see high above the riff of society and sense the oneness of our state of being.

One way to deepen your connection with this light is to pay attention to where your imagination goes when you start with even pretending to connect to it. If you don’t know where to start, imagine what it might feel like, which is a good enough quest to that road of connection.

When the God within is warm, accepting and loving and when it feels pure, that is when you know you’ve reached the destination.

Another way to connect with the God within is to imagine yourself a small child or baby, wrapped in the arms of a loving parent. You can visualize yourself receiving the love from their heart. This can help you feel the warmth of your own soul in the eyes of God, in the presence of innocent witnessing.

There are many ways to connect to the God within. How do you make that connection? We invite you to contemplate this and perhaps journal about it so you are more aware. Perhaps you already do this often, or it’s time to start!


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